
The Paleolithic Diet and Pregnancy

Your nutrition affects you and your baby, so it's important to find the best diet for you. The Paleolithic diet involves eating only what was available to humans during the Paleolithic era. Proponents believe that Paleolithic foods are better matched to our genetics, improve overall health and encourage a healthy weight.

The Paleolithic diet excludes foods that first appeared in the Neolithic area, after the practices of agriculture and animal husbandry began. Many variations on the Paleolithic diet exist, but most exclude grains, dairy, beans, potatoes, sugar, salt and processed foods. Grass-fed meats, game, fish, shellfish, eggs, raw tree nuts, raw vegetables, fruits and mushrooms are all included. Consuming a wide variety of foods is recommended, especially plants, and organic foods are preferred. Carbohydrate and protein intake are usually high, but emphasis isn't placed on specific amounts of macronutrients. You can make the diet any combination of carbohydrate, protein and fat as long as you are consuming only Paleolithic foods. Eating Paleolithic should provide most of the nutrients needed by a pregnant woman, but some aspects of your nutrition should be monitored.

5 Foods you must not eat: Cut down a bit of stomach fat every day by never eating these 5 foods. Rift Gold Naviibk.com
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Energy Intake
Reducing your daily caloric intake tends to happen naturally with plant-based diets like the Paleolithic diet, but you need to eat more calories per day when you are pregnant. Consult your doctor for specific calorie recommendations and monitor your caloric intake if you are trying the diet for the first time. RIFT Platinum You should eat 300 more calories per day during your second and third trimester. Failure to provide energy to your baby can result in serious complications.

According to the American Pregnancy Association, rift gold you should consume 1,000 mg of calcium per day if you are pregnant. Exclusion of dairy from the Paleolithic diet is a concern to some because dairy products are an excellent source of calcium. RIFT Platinum You might need more calcium than your Paleolithic diet provides, so emphasize calcium-rich vegetables and consider adding whole dairy products or a supplement to your diet.

The American Pregnancy Association recommends 75 to 100 g of protein during pregnancy. TERA Gold The Paleolithic diet is naturally high in protein, so you should easily meet this requirement. Dr. Loren Cordain, author of the book "The Paleolithic Diet," cautions women that high protein intake can't be tolerated during pregnancy because of changes

