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Marvellous Entertainment's No More Heroes is seemingly gunning for a more, ahem, 'adult' audience with its PlayStation Move re-release this rmty with an increase in sexual content. No More Heroes: Red Zone, which is set to be released in Japan later this month, introduces 'Viewer Mode', which allows players to get up-close-and-personal with the game's cast of busty heroines and dress them up in very little.It goes without saying that the video and screenshots on this page are a little bit NSFW, so bail out now if you're within viewing distance of the boss or office grasses.For those that want to know about the game (and not just the breasts), Red Zone is the Move-enabled PS3 version of No More Heroes: Heroes' Paradise - featuring additional content such as new bosses and bonus missions. [UPDATE: There seems to be some confusion in the comments surrounding exactly what Red Zone is, but Konami's moved in to clarify: "The original NMH was released in Japan without Move support a while ago, and Red Zone merely integrates the Move functionality of the PAL game for Japanese users."] CVG Staff

