Most downloads by customers on the Xperia Play - that's the 'PlayStation' phone with the PSOne slide controller - are paid for, leading Sony Ericsson to point to a reversal in the trend for free games. Bloomberg reports that more than 75 percent of the downloads on the Xperia Play are paid for. The device itself hosts free titles as well as ones holding a price tag between 69p and £6.05."It's reversing a trend of a majority not paying for games," Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB's head of market development,pso2 RMT, Dominic Neil-Dwyer, told Bloomberg at GamesCom, pointing to other app stores where the trend of free downloads still exists.The Xperia Play saw a massive price reduction at the beginning of the month. The 50 percent price slash saw the phone come down from £500 to £289,DQ10 RMT. Tom Pakinkis