
Stress Management Strategies for Travel Mishaps

Long Wait Times
Problem: Nothing can be more tedious than hanging around for a flight to leave. This is especially difficult when you have kids in tow who quickly run out of patience and get bored.
Stress Management Strategy: Come prepared to wait. Lytle suggests bringing along reading materials, a DVD for your computer, or something else that will keep you and others with you entertained while you're in the airport. Flying earlier in the day and avoiding peak travel times can reduce your wait times in some cases. No one loves to fly at 6 in the morning, but it could save you a lot of hassle and stress.
Lost Luggage
Problem: This is not a happy situation, especially when you’re going to a different climate that requires or when you have an important business meeting to attend. Rift
Stress Management Strategy: You can be prepared for this possibility by always packing your essentials in a carry-on bag, including , a change of clothes, and a few basic toiletries (remember the three-ounce limit on liquids in carry-on).
Rude People
Problem: Traveling creates stress for everyone: you, other travelers, and airport and airline employees. All it takes is one rude person to set the stage for everyone to be irritable.
Stress Management Strategy: In response, try to be pleasant and polite yourself, and never take out your frustrations on the airline staff. It is not their fault that your flight has been delayed or cancelled, and there's nothing they can do about it. But you're going to get more help and sympathy if you're nice about it. "The airline staff is there to help you, to facilitate your travels. When there is a delay, they are delayed, too," Lytle reminds travelers. "You can be courteous — a smile goes a long way. Recognize that the person trying to help you works in a stressful environment to begin with. You want to have an ally in this." Rift Gold
Additional Tips for Stress-Free Traveling
Even if you've planned ahead and are prepared, traveling can still cause stress and frustration. So, if you find yourself ready to blow a gasket, you need to find some ways to help yourself relax and stay calm. Here are some tips:

Be careful with alcohol. If you know that alcohol tends to make you angrier, and you're stuck waiting at the airport, limit yourself to one drink. Not only can alcohol lead to even more problems, but if you become too intoxicated, the airline can refuse to let you board.RIFT Platinum
Call ahead. To avoid having to wait several hours at the airport for a flight that's been delayed, call your airline or check online to see if your flight is on time. You'll be more relaxed waiting at home.
Plan flights carefully. When you have to book connecting flights, leave plenty of time in between so that you feel less stressed about making a close connection.
If you do get stressed or upset:

Take in a deep breath, drawing it all the way in from your diaphragm, and then slowly let it out. Repeat until you can feel your irritation level decreasing and your tension easing. rift gold
Use simple meditation. Repeat calming phrases to yourself, like "Relax," "It's okay," or "Don't worry about it."
Visualize. Going on a well-deserved vacation? Try picturing yourself at your vacation destination, enjoying yourself, and feeling completely relaxed. You'll be there soon enough. RIFT Platinum
Accept it. Sometimes, you just can't do anything about your circumstances. Don't fight what you have no control over. Remind yourself that the situation is out of your hands and that all you can do now is go with the flow.
When travel delays keep you from getting somewhere important, whether a special family event, a vacation, or a business meeting, it's easy to start feeling overwhelmed and aggravated. Planning ahead for such delays will help you keep your cool and, if you start to lose it, simple stress management techniques and relaxation tips will help you get your equanimity back.

